Law Lab
Law Lab

Bhawal Raja retuned long after his disappearance and regained his Jamindari

17 November 2021

Law Lab regularly conducts research on various contemporary issues. In one occasion, we hold a discussion on the incidences where disappeared people returns after a long period of time. In this sub-continent, the story of Bhawal Raja is a decades-long famous tale portrayed in many literatures, dramas and cinemas. He went missing on --- and retuned home in , after --- years since his missing. In the following, the Privy Council ruling on the question of his inheritance has been attached. Here a brief note on the incidences is given below:

On 24 July 1930 the defended filed a suit before the Court of First Subordinate Judge, Dhaka to declare him as the second Kumar (son) Ramendra Narayan Roy of late Rajah Rajendra Narayan Roy Zemindar of Bhowal and to provide the possession to him. In the written statement the appellant Srimati Bibhabati Devi denied the identity of plaintiff as kumar Ramendra Narayan Roy.   

On 24 August 1936 the Court of First Subordinate Judge, Dhaka delivered 532 pages elaborate judgment declaring the defendant as second son of Rajah Rajendra Narayan Roy with the enjoyment right of one third undivided property of suit.

Against the judgment of the trial Court appellant Srimati Bibhabati Devi filed an appeal before the High Court of Judicature at Fort William of Bangal. The High Court upheld the judgment of trial Court with the majority opinion.

Then the present appeal was moved before the council. On 30 July 1946 the Council dismissed the appeal without any cost.